Ian Monroe

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Ian Monroe, b. 1972, Cooperstown, New York. Lives and works in London. Graduated from Goldsmiths College (MA), University of London, in 2002. Exhibitions include: ‘And Also The View’ solo, Galeria Casado Santapau, Madrid (2012), ‘Currents 105’ solo, Saint Louis Art Museum, St Louis (2011), ‘The Instantaneous Everything’ solo, Haunch of Venison, Berlin (2008), ‘Out of the Darkness’, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus, Denmark (2015), ‘Existencias’, Museo De Arte Contemporaneo De Castilla Y Leon, Leon, Spain (2007), and ‘Edge of the Real’, Whitechapel Gallery, London (2004). Collections include: Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, USA, Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus, Denmark, the Saatchi Collection, London

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Either Those Curtains: A Review by Philomena Epps | This is Tomorrow, June 2016

<b>Title: </b>House of the Industrialist<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on aluminium<br /><b>Size: </b> 215 x 333 cm
<b>Title: </b>Modern Ergonomics<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on aluminium <br /><b>Size: </b>201 x 161 cm
<b>Title: </b>Station<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Glass, powder coated aluminium, brass, Dibond, stainless steel, carpet, Perspex, MDF<br /><b>Size: </b>Dimensions variable
<b>Title: </b>Bureau<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Glass, powder coated aluminium, brass, Dibond, stainless steel, carpet, Perspex, MDF, video<br /><b>Size: </b>Dimensions variable
<b>Title: </b>Toby, Miranda, John, Ursula, Jefferey, Lucy, Bella, Andy, Rachael, Tom<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on Dibond <br /><b>Size: </b>Dimensions variable
<b>Title: </b>Keith, Bella, Andy<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on Dibond <br /><b>Size: </b>Dimensions variable
<b>Title: </b>Dossier<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Powder coated aluminium, glass, vinyl, paper, bamboo<br /><b>Size: </b>42 cm x 36 cm x 5.5 cm
<b>Title: </b>Toby, Miranda, John, Ursula, Jeffery, Lucy<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on Dibond <br /><b>Size: </b>Dimensions variable
<b>Title: </b>Facsimile (receiving)<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Powder coated aluminium, brass<br /><b>Size: </b>65 x 44 x 42 cm
<b>Title: </b>Forgotten (Rebecca)<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on Dibond <br /><b>Size: </b>Dimensions variable
<b>Title: </b>Facsimile (stand-by) <br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Powder coated aluminium<br /><b>Size: </b>65 x 39 x 25 cm
<b>Title: </b>Rachel, Tom<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on Dibond <br /><b>Size: </b>Dimensions variable
<b>Title: </b>Hazard<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Stainless steel, powder coated aluminium <br /><b>Size: </b>18 x 77 x 311 cm
<b>Title: </b>Facsimile (calibrating)<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Powder coated aluminium, iPad, battery pack<br /><b>Size: </b>73 x 56 x 26 cm
<b>Title: </b>Plan<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on aluminium<br /><b>Size: </b>152 x 118 cm
<b>Title: </b>Memories<br /><b>Year: </b>2017<br /><b>Medium: </b>2017 Powder coated aluminium, glass, vinyl, Dibond, bamboo <br /><b>Size: </b>68 cm x 61cm x 6 cm
<b>Title: </b>James (Accounts)<br /><b>Year: </b>2016<br /><b>Medium: </b>Carpet, aluminium, vinyl, Alupanel, and MDF<br /><b>Size: </b>174 x 101 x 76 cm
<b>Title: </b>James (Accounts), detail<br /><b>Year: </b>2016<br /><b>Medium: </b>Carpet, aluminium, vinyl, Alupanel, and MDF<br /><b>Size: </b>174 x 101 x 76 cm
<b>Title: </b>Bella (Compliance)<br /><b>Year: </b>2016<br /><b>Medium: </b>Carpet, aluminium, map pins, brass, vinyl, and MDF<br /><b>Size: </b>127 x 87 x 60 cm
<b>Title: </b>Bella (Compliance), detail<br /><b>Year: </b>2016<br /><b>Medium: </b>Carpet, aluminium, map pins, brass, vinyl, and MDF<br /><b>Size: </b>127 x 87 x 60 cm
<b>Title: </b>Glyph Graph, Horatio Jr. installation view<br /><b>Year: </b>2015<br />
<b>Title: </b>Signal Grau<br /><b>Year: </b>2015<br /><b>Medium: </b>Carpet, powder coated aluminium, vinyl, Dibond, and Perspex<br /><b>Size: </b>54.5 x 36 x 11.5 cm
<b>Title: </b>Focus Group (detached, waiting)<br /><b>Year: </b>2015<br /><b>Medium: </b>Carpet, powder coated aluminium, machined aluminium, glass, vinyl, brass, MDF, and Perspex<br /><b>Size: </b>93 x 101 x 76 cm
<b>Title: </b>Focus Group (detached, waiting)<br /><b>Year: </b>2015<br /><b>Medium: </b>Carpet, powder coated aluminium, machined aluminium, glass, vinyl, brass, MDF, and Perspex<br /><b>Size: </b>93 x 101 x 76 cm
<b>Title: </b>Glyph Graph<br /><b>Year: </b>2015<br /><b>Medium: </b>Carpet, powder coated aluminium, map pins, vinyl, Dibond, and Perspex<br /><b>Size: </b>92 x 41.5 x 42 cm
<b>Title: </b>Glyph Graph<br /><b>Year: </b>2015<br /><b>Medium: </b>Carpet, powder coated aluminium, map pins, vinyl, Dibond, and Perspex<br /><b>Size: </b>92 x 41.5 x 42 cm
<b>Title: </b>Gatekeepers (nested, calibrating)<br /><b>Year: </b>2015<br /><b>Medium: </b>Carpet, powder coated aluminium, machined aluminium, Perspex, glass, vinyl, brass, and MDF<br /><b>Size: </b>173 x 101 x 101 cm
<b>Title: </b>Remainder<br /><b>Year: </b>2015<br /><b>Medium: </b>Powder coated aluminium, anodised aluminium, map pins, vinyl, Dibond, and Perspex<br /><b>Size: </b>95 x 59 x 23 cm
<b>Title: </b>Remainder<br /><b>Year: </b>2015<br /><b>Medium: </b>Powder coated aluminium, anodised aluminium, map pins, vinyl, Dibond, and Perspex<br /><b>Size: </b>95 x 59 x 23 cm
<b>Title: </b>Outbox<br /><b>Year: </b>2015<br /><b>Medium: </b>Carpet, powder coated aluminium, anodised aluminium, brass, map pins, Dibond, and Foamex<br /><b>Size: </b>50 x 50 x 16 cm
<b>Title: </b>Lock Block<br /><b>Year: </b>2014<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on paper<br /><b>Size: </b>30 x 21 cm
<b>Title: </b>Long Wave<br /><b>Year: </b>2014<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on paper<br /><b>Size: </b>30 x 21 cm
<b>Title: </b>Reception<br /><b>Year: </b>2014<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on paper<br /><b>Size: </b>30 x 21 cm
<b>Title: </b>Untitled<br /><b>Year: </b>2007<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on perspex<br /><b>Size: </b>40 x 40 cm
<b>Title: </b>The Signs<br /><b>Year: </b>2007<br /><b>Medium: </b>Vinyl on perspex<br /><b>Size: </b>40 x 40 cm
<b>Title: </b>The Instantaneous Everything, Haunch of Venison installation view<br /><b>Year: </b>2007<br />
<b>Title: </b>The Instantaneous Everything, Haunch of Venison installation view<br /><b>Year: </b>2007<br />