Postgraduate Diploma, Royal Academy Schools, London
BA (Hons) Fine Art, University of the West of England, Bristol
For What It Is, Two person show with Roy Voss, Andor Gallery, London
This Is The End (Part II), Group show curated by Christopher Kulendran Thomas, 389 Melrose, Brooklyn, New York
After/Hours/Drop/Box, Devised and organised group show and parallel live events charting the influence of the music video on contemporary art, ANDOR Gallery, London. Supported by the Arts Council
The Go dfish Bow, Hour-long Radio play for one performer broadcast on Resonance FM
Rock-Paper-Scissors, Group show, Gallerria Uno+Uno, Milan, Italy
Original Carbon Copy, Solo show, FOLD Gallery, London
Pop Molecule, Group show, Aubin Gallery, London
Piece To Mark Time (really only for your benefit George), 5 monitor video installation in public setting and series of events, ANDOR Gallery, London
Screening, Collaboration with Joe Watling and Matilda Strang, Standpoint Gallery, London
Selina Cheneviere Award Exhibition, The Royal Academy Cafe Gallery
Self Help, Group show – Copenhagen Place, London
Royal Academy Schools Degree Show, Royal Academy, London
Premiums, Royal Academy, London
R O O M, Three-person show – Room, London
Good Deeds, Group show, Hetekafactory, Helsinki, Finland
Galleria Huuto/HIAP, Four-person show across three spaces in Helsinki, Finland
INTERexchange, Five-week artist residency programme in Helsinki, Finland
REMAKE – The Neo-Conceptualist’s Video Night In, Curated evening of video work including Christian Marclay, Candice Breitz and Pierre Bismuth, Spike Island, Bristol
Spike Island – Project Space, Studio Fellowship Award show, Bristol
A Flat Unaccented Signal, Two-person exhibition at Parade, London
Frieze: Oct 2012, Review of Original Carbon Copy at FOLD Gallery
Art Licks: Issue Seven, Contributed text to art journal
Rattle Journal: Issue Two, Contributed text and image work to art and writing journal
Landseer Award
Merrell Book Prize for Writing
Selina Cheneviere Travel Fellowship